17 Awesome Free Kindle Self help books for Monday!

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Free Kindle Books – Self help

Great book!
Great book!
  1. *Beyond The Threshold – Simple Transformational Techniques To Awaken Your Potential (Deal, Not Free) by Dean Nelson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Personal Growth Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Changing your attitudes, perceptions, and awareness, Expand your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 299 pages. ASIN: B088P6Y4DP.
  2. *BROWN BEAR WON’T SHARE – Teaching Kids to Share and Show Kindness (Children’s Bedtime Moral Stories Series) – Rhyming Illustrated Early Reader Bedtime Story Books for Toddlers, Pre K, First grade (Deal, Not Free) by R. W. Culpepper. Cost: $0.99. Genre: Children’s Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Teaches moral lessons and self-esteem. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 45 pages. ASIN: B0861LWJQX.
  3. ***Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Religion & Spirituality, New Age, New Thought. Rated: 4.5 stars on 211 Reviews. 127 pages. ASIN: B00FMWDB5M.
  4. ***Mother at Seven – The Shocking True Story of an Armenian Girl’s Stolen Childhood and Her Family’s Unspeakable, Cruel Betrayal (Deal, Not Free) by Veronika Gasparyan. Price: $3.99. Genre: Non Fiction Book Deal, Sponsor, A Stolen Childhood, True Story, Family Betrayal. Rated: 4.2 stars on 326 Reviews. 276 pages. ASIN: B01IQ2ZN64. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please. Thank you.
  5. *Protecting TROY: Breaking the Chain of Child Abuse by David Vogel, Melora Vogel. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Child Abuse, Parental & Juvenile Family Law. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 139 pages. ASIN: B089VBQ5R6.
  6. *Magnetic Goals – The 7-Step Action Plan to Attract Astonishing Success Into Your Life Through Goal Setting and Supportive Daily Habits (Deal, Not Free) by Romney Nelson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Personal Success Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Create and utilize supportive daily habits that will guarantee success, How to overcome procrastination and take action. Rated: 4.6 stars on 7 Reviews. 192 pages. ASIN: B084F2XXT2.
  7. *Live More: Magic Begins with You by Mridula Singh. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 154 pages. ASIN: B07KX8YHMT.
  8. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Not A Secret – You’re Not to Blame – (Volume 1) (Deal, Not Free) by Dina Mackey. Price: $9.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, This book is intended to let victims know that they do not have to keep it secret if they are being abused. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 50 pages. ASIN: B07954ZTYP. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  9. *I Didn’t Quit! by Andrew Kasan. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help, Happiness. Rated: 4.9 stars on 20 Reviews. 106 pages. ASIN: B084FM3F5C.
  10. GEMINI: Your Sign, Your Day, Your Decan: Astrology and Numerology Insights into Gemini The Twins by Lisa Lazuli. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Personal Transformation, Astrology, New Age. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 170 pages. ASIN: B00XNMLI3A.
  11. Feelings and Reason: Activating Your Heart as Compass Despite the Ego’s Interference by Ernie L. Vecchio. Price: Free. Genre: Spiritual Self-Help. Rated: 4.7 stars on 5 Reviews. 145 pages. ASIN: B089TVLZQ5.
  12. TANTRIC SEX: What is this? And what are the techniques for achieving pleasure? by ERIC HAMPTON. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Sexuality. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 179 pages. ASIN: B087RMM4M9.
  13. A Guide to Being a Better Communicator: Incredibly Easy Methods to Take Your Communication Skills from Zero to Hero by Nick Caldwell. Price: Free. Genre: Parent & Adult Child Relationships. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 57 pages. ASIN: B083WGR4PQ.
  14. HOW TO HANDLE REJECTION (12 STEPS) by SLIM PHATTY. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships. Rated: 4.4 stars on 4 Reviews. 33 pages. ASIN: B00F72NQSO.
  15. How to Talk to Anyone: 3 Books in 1 – How to Talk to Anyone, Effective Communication, Conversation Skills. Essential Guide to Interpersonal and Nonviolent Communication. Assertiveness Training by James J. Downes. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Washington Travel Guides, Marriage Law. Rated: 4.2 stars on 11 Reviews. 417 pages. ASIN: B0848GTW3C.
  16. Pregnancy Guide for First Time Moms: Your Know-It-All Guide For The Next Nine Months And Beyond (What to Expect with Motherhood, Childbirth, Breastfeeding) by Mommy’s Angels. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Motherhood. Rated: 4.1 stars on 17 Reviews. 276 pages. ASIN: B0841Q8XZ8.
  17. Blissful Living Journal: A glamorous guidebook to enhance your life, connect to your inner light and bring you back to bliss by Ashlina Kaposta. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Personal Transformation. Rated: 4.1 stars on 5 Reviews. 111 pages. ASIN: B07KWHH7XQ.

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2o Awesome Free Kindle Self help Books for Sunday!

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Free Kindle Books – Self help

Great book!
Great book!
  1. *Magnetic Goals – The 7-Step Action Plan to Attract Astonishing Success Into Your Life Through Goal Setting and Supportive Daily Habits (Deal, Not Free) by Romney Nelson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Success Self Help Book Deal, Sponsor, Nonfiction, Do you have HUGE GOALS you want to achieve but the old goal setting techniques just do not work. Rated: 4.6 stars on 7 Reviews. 192 pages. ASIN: B084F2XXT2.
  2. *Ignite The Modern Goddess: Awaken the Feminine Energy In You and Live the Life You Were Destined to Have by JB Owen, Katarina Amadora, Hannah Meirelles. Price: Free. Genre: Nonfiction, Personal Transformation & Spirituality, Women Writers, New Age. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 334 pages. ASIN: B08BG68TV9.
  3. *Beyond The Threshold – Simple Transformational Techniques To Awaken Your Potential (Deal, Not Free) by Dean Nelson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Personal Transformation Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Heal your mind and body, Attract personal and business. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 299 pages. ASIN: B088P6Y4DP.
  4. *Hope for the Adoption Journey: 28 True Post-Adoption Stories to Comfort and Encourage by Katherine Piper. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Adoption. Rated: 5 stars 9 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B07G91FBRW.
  5. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Not A Secret – You’re Not to Blame – (Volume 1) (Deal, Not Free) by Dina Mackey. Price: $9.99. Genre: Sexual Abuse Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, You will be able to communicate with anyone who has been sexually abuse. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 50 pages. ASIN: B07954ZTYP. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  6. *OMNIPRESENT by Lynn Monet. Price: Free. Genre: Spiritual Self-Help, Occult Supernatural. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B01KTZ0X8E.
  7. *Struggle Bus – The Van. The Myth. The Legend (Deal, Not Free) by Josh Wood. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Managing the wonderful chaos of a family of 11. Rated: 4.8 stars on 34 Reviews. 145 pages. ASIN: B0859KSKF8. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  8. *The Wide Awake Kids Club: Simple Solutions for Knackered Parents! (The Regular Parent Book 1) by Fi Star-Stone. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting. Rated: 5 stars 6 Reviews. 117 pages. ASIN: B07RGWJGJM.
  9. *Origins of the Universe and Life – Bible and Science – Agreement or Contradiction by Daniel Friedmann. Price: Free. Genre: Nonfiction Book, Sponsor, Genesis account of what happened, when it happened, and how it happened, Comparing this with the latest scientific discoveries. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 26 pages. ASIN: B08BDBY9QV. ISBN: B08BDYYLCL
  10. *Responding with Compassion: Navigating Challenging Behaviors in Special Needs Ministry (The Irresistible Church Series) by Jen McNally. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships Rated: 5 stars 4 Reviews. 64 pages. ASIN: B078WF3RV8.
  11. *Self Compassion: This Book Includes : Self Esteem Workbook, Narcissistic Abuse, Emotional Eating, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Anxiety by Marsha Mckay. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 449 pages. ASIN: B0891TTS1G.
  12. *Mom???s Favorite Reads eMagazine June 2020: The eMagazine for the Modern Mom by Goylake Publishing. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 94 pages. ASIN: B089DMLYK1.
  13. *E-Mail Etiquette by Shirley Taylor. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Computer Networks, Protocols & APIs. Rated: 5 stars 3 Reviews. 184 pages. ASIN: B007SMEABI.
  14. *Quick Brain Exercise: 10 Steps to Refresh your Brain Quickly by Mark J Wright. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Memory Improvement. Rated: 5 stars 3 Reviews. 79 pages. ASIN: B086R6QMJF.
  15. Do You Need Love or Merely Sex?: 16 Simple but Effective Tips on How to Attract Women (Dating Ideas, Fast Flirting and Sexual Seduce) by Donald Campbell. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Sexuality. Rated: 4.8 stars 7 Reviews. 73 pages. ASIN: B085LVPXRD.
  16. Sex Positions for Couples: The Ultimate Guide for Exploding a Couple’s Sex Life by Claudia R. Hill. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships, Sociology of Marriage & Family. Rated: 4.6 stars 9 Reviews. 144 pages. ASIN: B084RBZZ2T.
  17. Anxiety Cure Workbook : 3 Quick Steps To Stop Anxiety Attacks Now (The Blokehead Success Series) by Heather Rose. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help. Rated: 4.6 stars on 6 Reviews. 28 pages. ASIN: B00WMWC4G2.
  18. Vagus Nerve: What is the Vagus Nerve? Self Help Exercises Of Anxiety, Depression, Trauma and Autism by Nils Damon. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help. Rated: 4.3 stars 4 Reviews. 97 pages. ASIN: B085VMY1ST.
  19. How To Talk, So Kids Will Listen & Learn: Parents & Teachers Tool Kit To Effective Children’s Conversation, A Simple & Practical Guide To Improve Communication Skills Of Your Kids by Mark Creed. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Addiction & Recovery. Rated: 4.1 stars 8 Reviews. 173 pages. ASIN: B0831TDJJT.
  20. Life Begins to Suck at 40: A look into the darker aspects of getting old and fartym by Bill Greenhead. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships. Rated: 4 stars 6 Reviews. 40 pages. ASIN: B00IFHZUDW.

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14 Amazing Free Kindle Self help Books for Friday!

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Free Kindle Books – Self-help

Absolutely recommended reading!
Absolutely recommended reading!
  1. *The Power of Your Past & the True calling of Your Soul – 23 Highly Effective Exercises in Soul Healing and Personal Change – A Guidebook to Live the Life That Your Heart Is Asking For (Deal, Not Free) by Angelika Schulze. Price: $2.99. Genre: Inner Child Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Break free from the demons of your past, reclaim your self-worth, learn to love yourself and live the life you have always wanted. Rated: 4.6 stars on 14 Reviews. 321 pages. ASIN: B087RNFBF9. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  2. *Help! You’re Self: The only non-self-help book you’ll never need by John Glyn Hughes. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Rated: 5 stars on 14 Reviews. 199 pages. ASIN: B06ZZL747B.
  3. *Transform Your Story – Letting Go of the Past When It Won’t Let Go of You (Deal, Not Free) by Linda Olson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Inspirational Personal Testimonies Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Linda Olson’s journey, Overcoming the fear that once lurked behind every corner, peace through the darkest moments and confidence with who she is, TEDx speaker. Rated: 5 stars on 10 Reviews. 180 pages. ASIN: B089MDT6SF.
  4. *To those who find themselves lost by Aschel St Ville. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help. Rated: 5 stars on 11 Reviews. 102 pages. ASIN: B087ZVNH53.
  5. *Struggle Bus – The Van. The Myth. The Legend (Deal, Not Free) by Josh Wood. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Explore one of life’s fundamental truths, Wood family. Rated: 4.8 stars on 34 Reviews. 145 pages. ASIN: B0859KSKF8. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  6. *Hurt No More: Turn Pain into Purpose by Hassan E Munford. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help. Rated: 5 stars on 11 Reviews. 71 pages. ASIN: B07R8CSWSG.
  7. *You Can Live Cheaply Too – During and After COVID-19 (Deal, Not Free) by Camille Rogers-Jones. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Frugality. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 101 pages. ASIN: B089J17D8D.
  8. *The Search for Mother Missing: A Peek Inside International Adoption (Limited-Edition Book 1) by Janine Vance. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Extended Families, Adoption. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 210 pages. ASIN: B08957XDBC.
  9. *Blossoming of Love – Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 2) by Joy Elaine. Price: Free. Genre: New Age Nonfiction Book, Sponsor, A continued journey of a heart and mind’s awakening, a spiritual and metaphysical birth, and a deeper focus on Earth and Earth’s future. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 332 pages. ASIN: B0859F4LD5.
  10. *IN A HURRICANE OF VIOLENCE: Fleeing the Storm of Domestic Abuse by Nika Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Dysfunctional Relationships. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 507 pages. ASIN: B07J1WFJ8T.
  11. *The Truth About Bullying – The Essential Guide For Parents & Teachers (Deal, Not Free) by Norry Ascroft. Price: $0.99. Genre: Parent Participation in Education Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, True reasons why people bully others, and how to respond to bullying. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B08B1G8J9Q.
  12. Harness Your Quantum Spirituality And Make It Work For You (Law of Attraction Book 1) by Lance Abrims. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, New Age, New Thought. Rated: 4.4 stars on 30 Reviews. 114 pages. ASIN: B018YON85C.
  13. Choose to Change: It’s your life: 25 steps to self-discovery and peace of mind by Jacqui Penn. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help, Happiness. Rated: 4.4 stars on 28 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B06XYS335L.
  14. Unfolding Dreams by Arun Malik. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help. Rated: 4.1 stars on 21 Reviews. 186 pages. ASIN: B00AM3IGQK.

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Free Kindle Books – Self-help

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